Photos of the Parish of Exmoor Posted here will be photos of the Parish of Exmoor and the village of Simonsbath. Coronation Celebrations Coronation Celebrations Coronation Celebrations Coronation Celebrations First meeting of Parish Councillors in Simonsbath Old School Platinum Jubilee Bonfire Platinum Jubilee Beacon Ashcombe Bluebells by Charlotte Hornsby Ashcombe Gardens by C Hornsby Birchcleeve Woods by Jayne Chanter Bradymoor, Credit Jayne Chanter River Barle and Wheal Eliza by Jayne Chanter Prayway Meads by Jayne Chanter Platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting Exmoor Ponies near Bradymoor by Jayne Chanter Honeymead by Jayne Chanter Honeymead by Jayne Chanter Honeymead, Toads Bridge by Jayne Chanter Ashcombe Gardens by C Hornsby Honeymead Simonsbath by Nick Hornsby Platinum Jubilee Games Credit Nick Hornsby Credit Nick Hornsby Credit Nick Hornsby Credit Nick Hornsby Platinum Jubilee Duck Racing Credit Nick Hornsby Limecombe by Jayne Chanter River Barle near Cow Castle by Jayne Chanter Bradymoor by Jayne Chanter River Barle near Cow Castle by Jayne Chanter Picket Stones Field by Jayne Chanter River Barle by Jayne Chanter Near the River Barle by Jayne Chanter Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Honeymead by Jayne Chanter Limecombe by Jayne Chanter River Barle by Jayne Chanter Ashcombe Gardens by Charlotte Hornsby